The Motivation

December 3, 2017

Do you ever feel like just curling up on the couch and watching Netflix? Your list of things to do is longer than the checkout lines during Christmas time, yet you lack motivation to do any of it. How do you psych yourself up to get stuff done? I don’t always feel like doing art, but with this 99 Day Challenge, I have committed to it. So I have come up with the top 10 tricks I use to roll myself off the couch and start checking off the to-do boxes.

1. Make a List
Make a list of everything. And I mean everything! If you need to take out the trash, paint your nails, charge your phone… Then add the bigger things that need to get done and start prioritizing all the items. Get an app for your phone (I like Any.Do) that allows you to delegate tasks to a particular day. Next go for quick wins: start off small and get a few little things done that don’t take a lot of time. You’ll be able to cross off items on your to-do and be more motivated and in the groove of getting other tasks done.

2. Establish a Reward
A huge motivator for me is the reward at the end. Maybe that reward is dessert, a movie, or time with my incredible husband. It’s much easier to get things done faster if you have an end goal. Hint: if your end goal is time with your spouse, make sure he/she knows before you establish the reward.

3. Watch a Funny Video
I have a huge collection of hilarious videos that always get me in a good mood when it’s time to work. Be careful though that you don’t just go on YouTube looking for one or two videos and then end up 3 hours later watching a video on how to learn underwater basket weaving…unless of course that is the work that you are actually trying to get pumped up to do.

4. Google Inspirational People
The simplest and fastest way to get motivated is to be inspired. Look up the stories of a professional dancer or gymnast. They always have touching stories of the hardships both physical and emotional where they thought they would never succeed and then through perseverance were able to overcome their trials.

5. Take a Shower
Once my skin is all fresh and can breath, I feel like I can accomplish anything. Don’t ever stay in your pajamas longer than 30 minutes after waking up or your mindset will remain in the sleepy/relaxed state. Taking a shower or even just masking is the quickest way to feel refreshed and ready to take on the day!

6. Set a Timer
Give yourself 17 minutes to do whatever you want. You can eat a snack, go on Pinterest, or take a nap, but limit yourself to only 17 minutes. Any shorter and you’ll feel you didn’t get enough time, and any longer you’ll be too hooked on the activity to stop. Hint: if you take a nap, elevate your feet so your blood will be more in your upper body when you wake up. This will help quicken productivity.

7. Journal
Sometimes what bogs you down the most is your thoughts. You have so much going around in your head that they are competing for your attention. Take some time (again, I suggest 17 minutes) to quickly jot down all that has been on your mind. It doesn’t have to be coherent or have good grammar; just get it out there so it can stop distracting you. Hint: if you don’t like writing, make a voice memo on your phone.

8. Sketch
Maybe you don’t have words yet to all the thoughts in your brain; they’re just feelings weighing you down. Take out a piece of paper and just start doodling. Draw circles, squares, do some cross hatching or shadowing. This will get your brain active and warmed up for the real tasks you need to do.

9. Take a Walk
Clear your mind by getting fresh air. Don’t go anywhere in particular–just start walking. Go slow, observe the scenery, the colors, the textures. Take deep breaths and simply be present in the moment. Think about your long-term goals. This exercise will help you separate yourself from your to-do list and allow you to get perspective on life.

10. Share Your Dreams
The best way to start working on your to-do list and ultimately making your dreams happen is to share them. Talk about them as often as you can so it becomes part of your normal life. This is the most effective first step in accomplishing your goals. It will get not only you, but someone else excited about the work you want to get done. I love talking about my dreams with my husband and God because they encourage me to never give up and help guide me as I search for the path to successfully making the most of every opportunity.

Don’t let the long to-do list be daunting. Take it one step at a time and do the best you can do. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed; it’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of trust. You’ll be surprised at how many people will actually love to help. Now get off the couch and get going!