Breaking News

November 1, 2020

I have been thinking about this blog post for a few months, and yet now I don’t know how to begin. My usual blog posts consist of topics about synesthesia, various artists, new brushes I’ve discovered, etc., but I have to interrupt the normal program for some breaking news! *Insert me taking a deep breath* As most of you know, I was born and raised in California. I’ve traveled all around the states, Europe, a little in Mexico, a little in Canada. But California is where I’ve always called home. Well, the breaking news is…that…… we’re moving! 

Never in a million years did I think that I would live outside of California. I mean, just look at the word: California. Even the word is pretty! We have the beach, the mountains, the desert. The temperature in Orange County is perfect 355 days out of the year. How could anyone ever want to leave? Believe me, I was resistant to this idea for a while. My husband (also born and raised in California) felt the need to move earlier this year, and let me tell you: I prayed so hard that his heart would change about the topic. But no, God changed my heart. And as soon as He changed my heart, everything changed.

My husband and I did some very thorough research (btw, is so helpful in giving you all the information you ever need to know about a location), visited and explored our top choice, found a place to live there, sold all of our furniture in California, said goodbye to the sport car, and are packing up our bags as you read this!

So where are we going? We are not joining the mass exodus to Idaho or Texas, believe it or not. We are headed to Utah! It was not my plan to ease into a new, completely unfamiliar place by going right as Winter sets in (mind you, I’m a California girl who expects Winter to be a low of 60), but as I’ve tracked this whole journey, I see it’s God’s plans, not mine, that actually play out. And if God is directing this move, then I’ll just sit back and follow Him. Well actually, I’m on the edge of my seat since that’s the only piece of furniture we have left. You get the picture.

In one week from today, we will be shoving our clothes and kitchen supplies into the cars and heading out! 2020 has definitely turned out quite differently than I ever imagined, but a lot of good has come from it. It’s pushed us and challenged us in ways that grew us more than ever before. And for that, I’m grateful. I’m certainly looking forward to this next chapter in Utah.

But wait! “What about me?” you ask. Well what’s great about what I do is that my art can go anywhere I go, so you’re coming to Utah with me! I may need a hot second to settle in, buy furniture, and get into a new groove, but I’ll be up and running in no time. Keep the synesthesia sketch requests coming, engage with me on social media, and drop me a line if you have any tips on how to live in cold weather. See you on the other side!